For more than 100 years, St George’s and St Nicolas Home under the wing of COACH have provided a safe and loving home for children who have been abandoned, neglected and abused.

COACH’s work in providing quality specialist therapy, support, education, research and changes in legislation has made a remarkable and positive difference in the lives of protecting our precious and valuable children.

Our holistic programmes have proven to be successful and our commitment to achieving our vision is unmatched.

What is a Bequest

A bequest is a gift from your estate to a charitable organisation through your last Will and Testament. The decision to make a last Will and Testament is important as it will ensure that you have a choice about how your assets are distributed after your death.

In terms of South African legislation, a bequest in favour of a charitable organisation is exempt from Estate Duty. This affords you the opportunity of minimising the tax on your legacy. Those who name the Coalition of Anglican Children’s Home in their Last Will and Testament are ensured that their gift will continue to make a lasting and positive difference in lives of the children in our care.

Types of Bequests

General Bequests come from the general value of the estate and are made by designating a specific amount, a particular asset, or a fixed percentage of your estate to your nominated charity.

Specific Bequests are made when a particular item or property is bequeathed for a designated purpose, i.e. all furniture go to St George’s Home.

Residuary Bequests are made with the residue of your assets after the primary conditions of the Will have been satisfied.

Contingency Bequests allows you to leave a portion of your estate to a particular charity if your named beneficiary does not survive you.

Leaving a Bequest to COACH is simple

If you have already made a Will:

You can make a simple addition in your existing Will. This is called a codicil and is an easy way to include COACH without having to rewrite your Will. Its is a legal document and must be signed and witnessed by two people. To include COACH as an additional beneficiary to your current Will, simply add COACH as a beneficiary using the form on this brochure. Please discuss any changes to your Will with your attorney or financial advisor, who will ensure that your Will is valid and your intentions are clear and legally stated.

If you do not have a Will:

Set up an appointment with your attorney or financial advisor. These professionals will help guide you through the process.

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